Applications to Identify Plants

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To identify plants accurately and easily, mobile applications have become powerful allies. With the ability to recognize plants through photos and detailed information, these apps help enthusiasts and professionals alike explore and better understand flora around the world. Below are some of the best apps available for download globally:


O PlantSnap It is widely recognized for its accuracy and vast database. Using artificial intelligence technology, the app allows users to take photos of unknown plants and instantly receive information about them. Available for download on iOS and Android, PlantSnap offers a quick and affordable way to identify plants anywhere in the world.

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With an intuitive interface and powerful search engine, the PictureThis stands out as a popular choice among gardening and botany lovers. The app offers plant identification in seconds, providing details on characteristics, care and botanical curiosities. Available globally for download, PictureThis is an indispensable tool for plant enthusiasts.

Seek by iNaturalist

O Seek by iNaturalist combines the expertise of a global scientific community with plant and animal recognition. Developed by the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History and National Geographic, the app not only identifies plants through photos, but also educates users about local and global biodiversity. Available for free on iOS and Android, Seek is an excellent option for nature explorers around the world.

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O Plantifier stands out for its collaborative approach to plant identification. Using a crowdsourcing approach, users can submit photos of plants for the community of botanists and experts to identify. Available globally for download, Plantifier offers a unique way to learn and contribute to plant identification around the globe.

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Flora Incognita

Developed in Germany, the Flora Incognita is an application specialized in photo-based plant identification. Using advanced artificial intelligence and an extensive database, Flora Incognita provides detailed information on plant species around the world. Available free of charge for iOS and Android, the app is an essential tool for students, researchers and flora enthusiasts.


These apps not only facilitate accurate plant identification, but also promote knowledge and awareness of global botanical diversity. With options for all levels of interest and expertise, they are valuable resources for anyone looking to explore and learn more about the natural world around them.

For those who want to start identifying plants in an easy and accessible way, simply download these apps and start exploring the botanical wealth that the world has to offer.

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